Beechoak Farm Montessori Pre-School offers first class Montessori teaching along with a caring, warm, safe and stimulating environment for every child attending, regardless of their colour, religion, culture or special need. We focus on providing a top quality service for all our parents, and strive to maintain a friendly yet professional atmosphere.
We provide part and full time day care for children from 2 to 5 years, for 51 weeks of the year, Monday to Friday, except for Bank Holiday's and between Christmas and New Year when we close. Each child is required to attend for a minimum of 2 school days.
All applications will be treated on a first come, first served basis. Siblings have priority.
October: End October Parent telephone consultations 4th October Harvest collection 4th – 10th October World Space Week 9th October Sense Coffee Morning 18th October Wear red day (Dress up day) 25th October Indian Dance Workshop 28th October BOF’s 28th birthday 31st October Halloween (Dress up day)
November: 1st November Diwali 5th November Guy Fawkes visit 6th & 7th November Christmas photos 11th November Remembrance Day 18th - 24th November Nursery Rhyme Week December: 4th December A Victorian Christmas Experience 6th December Children’s Christmas Party’s (Dress up day) 6th December Preschool Carol Concert (invite only) 8th December Parent craft week - Christmas-themed 12th December Christingles craft session 16th December Christmas Dinner 18th December Christmas Jumper Day (Dress up day) 24th December Close at 4pm 25th – 2nd December Hanukkah January: 2nd January Reopen
Outstanding Ofsted Report 3rd April 2019 Please click on the link below to read our Ofsted Report.